Parameter Setting in Evolutionary Algorithms
Edited by Fernando G. Lobo, Cláudio F. Lima, and Zbigniew Michalewicz
Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer, 2007.
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About the book
One of the main difficulties of applying an evolutionary algorithm (or, as a matter of fact, any heuristic method) to a given problem is to decide on an appropriate set of parameter values. Typically these are specified before the algorithm is run and include population size, selection rate, operator probabilities, not to mention the representation and the operators themselves. This book gives the reader a solid perspective on the different approaches that have been proposed to automate control of these parameters as well as understanding their interactions. The book covers a broad area of evolutionary computation, including genetic algorithms, evolution strategies, genetic programming, estimation of distribution algorithms, and also discusses the issues of specific parameters used in parallel implementations, multi-objective evolutionary algorithms, and practical consideration for real-world applications. It is a recommended read for researchers and practitioners of evolutionary computation and heuristic methods.
Table of contents
- Parameter Setting in EAs: a 30 Year Perspective
Ken De Jong
- Parameter Control in Evolutionary Algorithms
Agoston Eiben, Zbigniew Michalewicz, Marc Schoenauer, James Smith
- Self-Adaptation in Evolutionary Algorithms
Silja Meyer-Nieberg, Hans-Georg Beyer
- Adaptive Strategies for Operator Allocation
Dirk Thierens
- Sequential Parameter Optimization Applied to Self-Adaptation for Binary Coded Evolutionary Algorithms
Mike Preuss, Thomas Bartz-Beielstein
- Combining Meta-EAs and Racing for Difficult EA Parameter Tuning Tasks
Bo Yuan, Marcus Gallagher
- Genetic Programming: Parametric Analysis of Structure Altering Mutation Techniques
Alan Piszcz, Terrence Soule
- Parameter Sweeps for Exploring Parameters Spaces of Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms
Michael Samples, Matt Byom, Jason Daida
- Adaptive Population Sizing Schemes in Genetic Algorithms
Fernando Lobo, Cláudio Lima
- Population Sizing to Go: Online Adaptation Using Noise and Substructural Measurements
Tian-Li Yu, Kumara Sastry, David Goldberg
- Parameter-less Hierarchical Bayesian Optimization Algorithm
Martin Pelikan, Alexander Hartmann, Tz-Kai Lin
- Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization Without Additional Parameters
Kalyanmoy Deb
- Parameter Setting in Parallel Genetic Algorithms
Erick Cantú-Paz
- Parameter Control in Practice
Zbigniew Michalewicz, Martin Schmidt
- Parameter Adaptation for GP Forecasting Applications
Neal Wagner, Zbigniew Michalewicz